
Saturday, 22 October 2016

Our hero...Mrs Fowler.

Rimu reading group read a book called 'Hero'. It was about about a 15 year old boy that had received the New Zealand Bravery Medal. He had saved a young boy from drowning.

The next day, Room 9 were lucky enough to be shown the medals that she had received. The Queen's Service Medal (QSM). It recognises voluntary service to the community. Recipients are entitled to use the post-nominal letters 'QSM' after their names. Although, Mrs Fowler is far too humble to do this. I think it looks rather good...wink, wink Mrs Fowler.

Mrs Judy Fowler QSM

Here is a photograph of her medals. The 'QSM' is on the far right together with her medals from the NZ Police and Civil Defence. Well deserved Mrs Fowler! Thank you for sharing.